joi, 12 noiembrie 2009

editia a VIII-a 6-13 dec 2009

In perioada 6-13 dec. 2009 se va desfasura a VIII-a editie a anualei Art-Grup Botosani, care , in parteneriat cu Muzeul Judetean Botosani aduce in fiecare an tineri artisti din toate colturile tarii.
Anul acesta provocarea vine din partea temei, "In the spotlight" sau "In lumina reflectoarelor", care urmareste lucrari in care artistii sa exprime situatia, din ce in ce mai larg raspandita, in care semenii nostri ar face orice pentru a ajunge cunoscuti publicului larg, vedete, de a ajunge in lumina reflectoarelor. Se urmareste reprezentarea acestei situatii, demersul necesar, sau cum s-ar imagina fiecare in postura aceasta, de a fi in centrul atentiei.
Pentru detalii si intrebari stau la dispzitie adresa de e-mail si nr. de telefon 0745515897

During 6-13 dec. 2009 the 8th edition of Art-Grup Exhibition, which brings every year young artists from allover Romania and from abroad, will take place in partnership with Botosani Museum. This year, the challenge comes from the theme, "In The Spotlight" and requests the display of the situation in which someone will do everything to became a star, a public person. It is known that more and more people are able to do funny things to be remarked, to reach the spotlight. We want art works that represents the situation, the way to achieve the public atention, even the way that the artist might see himself in this posture. For more details or questions you can access the e-mail adress, or mobile phone 0040745515897